Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Industrial Tree

This Traffic Light Tree sculpture is a creation of artist Pierre Vivant and mimics the form of a regular natural tree to the industrial tree. You really wouldn't know if you're suppose to stop & admire it, walk slowly past & possibly stop or keep going without a glance.

STOP! Vader time!!

So this is what Darth Vader's been up to since we last saw him in Return of the Jedi

Friday, July 17, 2009

Beer is an optical illusion, or is it?

Now normally I don't condone alcohol in public places but the Bagvertising campaign is cool. The team at Noble Graphics Creative Studio in Bulgaria created this optical illusion bag, which will turn some heads when an old lady walking down the street is carrying it. This will no doubt get a lot of free publicity for Shumensko & alot of people wanting one of these bags. Click on the image for a closer look.

Blending in with nature

I don’t know where you can purchase one, but I think the idea is awesome! Hopefully they don't decide to do a deer print. Still, you have to give designer Herve Matejewski bonus points for creativity.

You ain't nothing but a Hamdog??

Have you ever thought "hey I love to eat my hamburger like a hotdog"? Well the people over at Taylor Gifts have the answer for you with the Ham DoggerTM It forms hot dog-shaped quarter-pound hamburgers! The Ham DoggerTM also has features to stuff the "Ham Dog" with any number of delicious fillings. Create a fun third option at picnics and BBQ's and Ideal way to put extra hot dog buns to use. Cheese Ham Dogger anyone??

Evian is for babies

The marketing department over at Evian Water HQ needs a cool drink of water after this ad cause it is so hot. Their so small yet so incredibly talented.